Friday, February 25, 2011


And again I did see another dirty mouse in my house - it was tragic. I was half way through cooking our tea as well - so I left everything on the stove and grabbed Mini Me jumped in the car and drove to Husband at work and brought more mouse traps and mouse bait(to put in the roof). I think he has only caught 1 more but I think there is about 3 traps set up... I actually don't feel like I really should be turning 22 next week because I am so scared of mice, I'm feeling I should be about 5 or something!

On other news in our house - my big baby girl just turned 2, and I think she officially has a 'favourite' present from her birthday.
Thanks 'My favourite visitors' Mikes & Jess!
Hmm, so Jess called me the other day and told me she had just brought 2 brand new digital photo frames that you plug your USB into the back and it does a slide show of all your photos, so Justin said he wanted to buy one off her. When she dropped it around and I plugged it in I felt like it really belonged to us because there was already photos of family members on there! (Jokes)
Real family I would say!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Not very funny.

Well the other day, Mini Me and I were sitting on the couch watching ABC2 (all-day kids programs on TV), and then Mini Me started making some kind of weird noise pointing at something running across the floor. Me been such a freaked out mother started SCREAMING and noticed it was a MOUSE...... 
It was feral. I felt dirty and disgusting - to put it simple. 
So as I sit with Mini Me trying to keep very calm and watch every side of the TV cabinet in case it came out, I tried to call Husband at work and of course got his boss, I was trying very hard to keep really calm and not cry. But of course I burst into tears and say "there is a mouse in my house", and all I can hear is him silently laughing at me, as he said Justin will call you back.
So I waited watching every minute very closely on my phone for him to call me back and by the time he did I was sobbing so much,(I actually think he was laughing at me). I told him I cant move and someone has to come and get rid of this thing.
So father-in-law called a few minutes later and of course I burst into more tears and say "there is a mouse in my house", and it was of course pouring rain outside. 
So he came to my rescue to get rid of the little pest.
Furniture everywhere to block it off with Mini Me & I sitting on the couch to watch this silly thing and of course it come running across the floor again and I think I screamed 10x louder than the first time.
It has been a bit of a weird week & if I had of just gone to do my house cleaning job, then this would have never have happen!