Monday, November 22, 2010

new curtains

Last week I was doing my very belated 'Spring clean out', and as I was cleaning out the spare room I came across some really cool material that I brought a year or 2 ago to make one of my friends an apron (since she loves aprons) - but I still haven't got around to making that for her..... Well I'll take the credit for it but normally husband is the one that would of ended up doing it. So instead I decided that I would make something out of the material so I got it out and started cutting it up and this is what I have ended up with..... 
This is only one side and the other side is just about complete to be hung up tonight. These will now be our kitchen curtains - nice and bright!
These are our new curtains in the dining room and lounge room. My lovely mother-in-law came and made these ones for me (I'm not that confident yet).
My bargain from the op-shop that I thought wouldn't work anywhere, but they ended up fitting perfect in our bedroom!
And these are Mini Me's curtains - 
One day I need to get around to putting some kind of backing on them.

Thursday, November 11, 2010


We went on holidays a few months back to Phillip Island, it was so nice.
This was our view from our bedroom - it was the best!
It was so nice but it was freezing cold when we were there!
Will defently go back one day.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Oh, I bet I know what you are all thinking at this moment......


But sorry to break the news this isn't the case at the moment.....

We are just sitting here waiting on our sheep to give birth so we can have baby lambs.....

Will keep you posted as to when this will happen!