Thursday, January 27, 2011

Clock Collection

The latest thing in our house is our Clock collection.
Very strange isn't it. But its cool!
We only have 3 at the moment, but as I get more I will keep you updated!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Mini Me!

 Well with another one on the way it was time to get organised an get mini me a bed. 
This bed is actually fully hand made by Husband.
He was very creative!

Around the house

Gotta love it when your neighbors have rose's with rose's actually on the bush for us to 
'long term, never to be returned'.
I think there is nothing better than waking up in the morning with fresh flowers out of your garden on the table (but I disagree with buying flowers to just go on my table).

The new room for Mini Me. It finally got to the stage that I said 'we need a toy room'. 
So that's exactly what we did!